Who can take part?

Are you eligible?

Inclusion Criteria

1. Patients of any age

2. Capacity to provide written, informed consent (or legal guardian if <16 years of age)

3. Histologically confirmed diagnosis of intermediate to high grade sarcoma

4. Amenable to surgical resection as a part of curative intent for the patient

Exclusion Criteria

1. Due for surgery with palliative intent

2. Recurrent tumours

3. Intracranial, retroperitoneal, and visceral anatomical locations

4. A woman of child bearing potential* who is currently pregnant (as confirmed by urine pregnancy test)

5. A woman who is currently breastfeeding

6. Known allergy to ICG, iodine, iodine dyes or shellfish.

7. Unable to provide written, informed consent

8. Patients with hyper-thyroidism or autonomic thyroid adenomas

9. Premature infants/neonates with exchange transfusion indication due to hyperbilirubinemia

What if you change your mind and want to withdraw from the trial?

You are free to withdraw from the trial at any time. You do not need to provide any reason and withdrawing from the trial will not affect your care in any way.

What happens to you after the trial?

After the trial, you will continue follow up with your local care team as per their standard protocol. Your follow up care will be the same as if you had not participated in the trial.